Snowww!!! =)
This is not how tall it ended up being, btw.
From my previous post, you learned that Jayme and Kylie and I went sledding on our little hill in the side yard we have. I failed at it. Really. For some odd reason, I kept on sliding off my sled half-way down the hill. heehee =D Epic failure. Totally not what a Coloradian would do. But that's alright. The hill wasn't that steep, anyways. But the next morning when we woke up early to go sing in our choir for the Adventure kids at church, it was BEAUTIFUL! Not kidding! Everything was fresh and covered with the fluffy white flakes, and the rising sun was making it all pink and sparkley! =) Jessica took pictures of me between services, and later that day I went out and got these pictures below. Believe me, my hands were less than 40 degrees after being out for half an hour with no gloves. lol =D
BTW, I really like the bokeh in these pictures. =)
Okay, so I know this dark and does not really exactly go with the other pictures, but I just could not exclude it. Don't know why. Does it look French to you? Like the black swirls? Or is it just me......=)
I really love this picture.
And I also love this one. =)
I hope you enjoyed the snow God gave us as much as I did! =)
Some of your best ever!!! i love these!!!!!!!!
Haha, snow! Its awesome. My parents are from CO to, but they lived way up in the mountains.
WOW! Those snow pics are amazing!! I love the lighting and sparkly bokehness =D lol.
I really wish we would get some snow! beeeeautiful photos kirstin!
wow, gorgeous pictures, kirstin!!
the snow looks amazing, ur use of light is really nice!
Wonderful pics of the snow!!
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