Our birds 8D
I think I will tell you about some of the birds we own. =) Around one year ago, Jayme saved up and bought this adorable cockatiel, Oscar. Oscar is sooo funny to watch, as he is always running around and talking to feet. (XD) He can say several words now, and is learning to whistle Jingle Bells. 8D He ALWAYS wants out, and is a bunch of fun loaded in a cute body. 8D
This is my parrotlet, Birdie. Since most of the people here haven't heard of parrotlets before, let me tell you about them. They are miniature parrotlets, related to Amazon parrots. They have large pink beaks (see pic below), and think they are bigger than every other bird in the world. 8D They love toys more than you can guess, and have a very large appetite (they need the energy to play with all those toys!). Ha ha The reason he is named Birdie is because I couldn't find a name that fit him (after two years of ownership, isn't that strange?), so I just call him Birdie. Plus, we used to have a cockatiel named Birdie, and I had originally wanted to name him that. It kinda stuck. Anyways, Birdie is a noise box, despite his small size (the size of a parakeet). I know, parrotlets are supposed to be quiet, but that is not the case of this little guy. He will imitate sounds I make, and also other noises...(he can actually make the sound of water dripping into his water container!) So far he can say peek-a-boo. =) Too cute.
aww.. Great macro shots!
I have a chinchilla :D
I love those birds :) :) :)
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