The surprise party!
The surprise party was held on Kristen's deck, and around 15-20 people were there, I think. I'm not positive, though. The theme was red, and we had lots of cool decorations. 8D
This is my very first collage!! I am so excited!!
We had lots of snacks and and things including burgers, watermelons, twizzlers, popcorn, salsa, cupcakes, strawberry shortcake, and more! It was so awesome!
People were so happy for the Klesses!
And the kids loved the food and drinks!
After eating, everyone went out to the front and played games in the road. Some of those games included 'dress up in a buddie's uniform'. 8) 8D XD
awesome shots kirsten!! love the collage :D
omgosh these are so good!!
I LOVE the collage!!
man i'm behind in my blogging..
Sounds like so much fun!!
I love the sunset! Loverly.
Robert, since you brought it up... GO GALATIANS! Woooooot!
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